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Right Front
Left Front
Drivers Side
Passenger Side
Left Rear
Right Rear

I'm not the smartest cookie in the jar and far from being a rocket scientist but when I get an idea in my head I usually act on it and see where it goes. The internet is my best source for information and knowledge that I don't already have.

The following project (the one that brought you to this page) was one that brought me both entertainment and pleasure while in the process of constructing it. The idea came to me after I had bought a storage unit that had two power wheelchairs in it. I started thinking that maybe I could build a little two seat car using one of the motors off the oldest wheelchair. I searched the internet for what I had in mind but that did not pan out at first so I headed in a different direction. The direction I went with was quad bicycle designs and how I could convert a design to work with DC power rather than with peddle power.

I found a quad style two person bicycle design at which seemed to be just what I was in need of. Their site is packed full of information with photos and even a link to one guys full set of youtube videos on how to build the complete quad bicycle. Keep in mind that I am selectively active and did not want peddles on my quad as I desire full power from a DC motor.

Once the decision was made as to the style of the quad I then needed to research how to control the motor. The wheelchair controller would not be suited for my usage. I stumbled across a site named where I was able to purchase the required parts, Thumb Throttle, Brake Lever with brake switch, 24 Volt 500 Watt Speed Controller as well as connecters for easy wire connections and later I even purchased a 450 Watt 24 Volt motor to replace the wheelchair motor.

The little car (or cart) runs off of two 12 volt batteries connected up as 24 volts. I purchased the batteries from for $117.50 for the pair with free shipping.  The batteries are 12 v 35ah. I purchased the two seats  from for $34 each with free shipping. Everything else was purchased locally at hardware stores.

I know that I have not gone into deep details about how the car was constructed. That information can be requested thru my contact page.

The fun part is having the only one of it's kind where I live. I have had at least 7 request for me to build the car. To build this car using all new parts and materials would cost around $1,100. I have carried as much as 425 lbs on a flat gravel road without any problems. The car weighs about 110 and has the speed of a regular golf cart.


With any do it yourself project your options are endless for modifications.


































Motor Batteries and Charger
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